Rapid Delivery of Satellite Imagery Within a Small Weather Window: Middle Black Sea Region, Turkey

Satellite Tasking Solutions Case Study

In 2017, European Space Imaging partner, NiK System was tasked with the acquisition and processing of Very High Resolution (VHR) imagery in the central region along the Black Sea for the development of GIS databases for the Middle Black Sea Development Agency (OKA).

The natural and cultural importance of this region cannot be overstated. Highlights of the Middle Black Sea Region of Turkey include:

  • Hattusa – The original capitol of the ancient Hittite civilization and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Kizilirmak Delta – A protected wildlife sanctuary that’s home to over 1,200 different species of plants and animals.
  • Amasya – A beautiful mountain city with a rich history through antiquity.
  • Incesu Canyon – Towering rock walls featuring stone reliefs of an ancient goddess.
  • Samsun Region – An area of immense natural wonder that has been settled since the Paleolithic Era.

Challenge – Weather Window

Much of the region remains notoriously cloudy through most of the year. This means, in order to complete the task within one calendar year, over 40,000km of cloud free data would need to be collected within a period of only a few weeks.

Solution – Custom Collection

With a Direct Access Facility (cDAF) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and an experienced operations team, European Space Imaging offers the ability to fully customise collections to meet challenging project requirements. Manual real-time weather assessments are updated every 15 minutes in order to maximise pass collection and react quickly.

Results – Mission Success

European Space Imaging delivered the entire area in just over 7 weeks.

  • + 40,000 sq. km
  • < 2% Cloud Coverage
  • 50cm Resolution
  • 140 Image Strips
  • 2.6 TB Total Data

Furthermore, NiK System was able to process all of this data in only 45 days.


To learn more about the techniques that European Space Imaging uses to collect the best imagery possible, head over to our Satellite Tasking page.

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