The first episode aired on Thursday 18 March 2021 and was moderated by Aravind Ravichandran, Founder of TerraWatch Space. He was joined by Thomas VanMatre, Vice-President of Global Business Development at Satellogic and Pascal Schichor, Sales Director at European Space Imaging. During the session the capacities of the NuSat satellites including their global coverage and rapid revisits, how the imagery can complement 30 cm data, as well as the future planned satellite launches by Satellogic was discussed. The future of Earth Observation through the power of hyperspectral imagery, what it is, the benefits of this data and how you can access it along with the unique benefits of the European Space Imaging / Satellogic partnership for the European market was also explored. Through this partnership, European Space Imaging has expanded their satellite portfolio to include multispectral imagery with a resolution 0.7 - 1m as well as hyperspectral imagery from the recently launched Aleph-1 Constellation. The inclusion of this data now gives the company access to 25 orbiting satellites ranging from 0.3 - 1 m with a combined daily revisit of close to 10 times a day.
GEOSeries Episode 1 - Now You See: High Frequency Collections, Rapid Revisit & Unique Datasets
The first episode aired on Thursday 18 March 2021 and was moderated by Aravind Ravichandran, Founder of TerraWatch Space. He was joined by Thomas VanMatre, Vice-President of Global Business Development at Satellogic and Pascal Schichor, Sales Director at European Space Imaging. During the session the capacities of the NuSat satellites including their global coverage and rapid revisits, how the imagery can complement 30 cm data, as well as the future planned satellite launches by Satellogic was discussed. The future of Earth Observation through the power of hyperspectral imagery, what it is, the benefits of this data and how you can access it along with the unique benefits of the European Space Imaging / Satellogic partnership for the European market was also explored.
Through this partnership, European Space Imaging has expanded their satellite portfolio to include multispectral imagery with a resolution 0.7 – 1m as well as hyperspectral imagery from the recently launched Aleph-1 Constellation. The inclusion of this data now gives the company access to 25 orbiting satellites ranging from 0.3 – 1 m with a combined daily revisit of close to 10 times a day.
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MGP Pro Demonstration
Instant access to VHR satellite imagery via web or API. European Space Imaging recently recorded
MGP Pro: The Next Generation of SecureWatch for On-demand Access to VHR Imagery
MGP Pro provides unrivalled coverage, quality and flexibility. Its subscribers can access over 3 million square kilometers of daily image collections, plus more than 6 billion sq km of archived imagery at up to 30 cm resolution.
Enhancing Critical Applications With A Combined Optical and SAR Approach
For the first time in history, users can schedule synchronised collections of 25 cm SAR and 30 cm Near Real-Time optical imagery to mitigate weather and gain deeper insights of events unfolding on the ground. This is especially valuable for Emergency Response, GEOINT and other applications.
Berlin 30 cm DSM from GAF AG using Tri-Stereo Satellite Imagery from EUSI
This high quality 30 cm resolution Digital Surface Model (DSM) was created by GAF AG utilizing 30 cm Very High Resolution Tri-Stereo Satellite Imagery collected by European Space Imaging (EUSI). This model is part of EUSI’s initiative to map all major European metro areas in 3D on a yearly basis.